Moira Bradfield | Aerobic Vaginitis And The Menopausal Vagina

Moira Bradfield, founder of Intimate Ecology clinical and education services, is a Naturopath, Acupuncturist and educator with over 18 years clinical experience. She has a passion for helping people experience optimal health in sustainable and sensible ways. Clinically she has a niche interest in recurrent vaginal infections, the vaginal microbiome and their associated impact in health and disease.

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In 2019 Moira is embarking on formal research with Griffith University as part of commencement of PhD studies in the area of the vaginal microbiome and conditions of vaginal dysbiosis.


In this episode we cover

  • Why Moira is so interested in vaginal/ vulval health
  • The changes that commonly occur in the vagina and vulva during menopause
  • How this presents symptomatically
  • Aerobic vaginitis. What is it and how does it present in menopause
  • How does it differ from BV
  • Clinical treatment for aerobic vaginitis and menopause


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Show Notes


Before we dive into this conversation I am very excited to announce that this episode is once again sponsored by Nutrition CareNutrition Care was founded over 40 years ago by Professor Ian Brighthope, a pioneer of nutritional medicine in Australia and worldwide. He is credited with coining the term ‘integrative medicine’ to define a healthcare philosophy that combines complementary medicines and modern medical practices to help optimise a patient’s health.


However, our Love and Guts podcast listeners might be especially interested to learn that Nutrition Care has always had a deep interest in gut health. In fact, Nutrition Care recently launched a new range of products under their NC banner, and most of those products have been developed to help improve or maintain gut health.


The most popular product in the range is NC Gut Relief, a combination of herbs, nutrients and prebiotics specifically developed to help relieve mild digestive disorders and improve the integrity and function of the gut.


Our gut is our first line of defence against bacterial and viral invaders, as well as toxins that might be in the air and environment. If we inadvertently swallow something, our gut needs to go to work to ‘save’ us. So, it needs to be in good shape.


What may not be as well known is that the gut makes up about 70% of our immune system. If it isn’t in optimal health, our overall health could be at risk.


Fortunately for us, the ingredients in NC Gut Relief not only help maintain a healthy gut, but also have a role in helping maintain immune system health. Something we all need in the unprecedented conditions in which we currently find ourselves.


Head to to  learn more.


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