Lynda, Guy & Ava Lawrence | Reflecting on 2020

Today I am sharing a conversation I had with my husband Guy Lawrence to wrap up 2020. I’ll let the podcast do the talking but I do hope that you get something out of our conversation, even if its only to enjoy our musings.

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Before we dive into this conversation I’m excited to announce that the Love & Guts show sponsor of the month is is a digital platform, a professional health resource and a distribution service all in one. specialise in complementary medicines, education and distribute high-quality products. And now, has launched Commons. Commons is a curated space where health professionals can learn the latest research and hear from colleagues in the practitioner community.


Some of the amazingly valuable features of Commons are;

  • Practitioners can provide Clinical feedback and exchange ideas
  • Attend webinars to learn more and earn CPE points
  • Share inspiring community projects
  • Exchange ideas and connect with your colleagues in a space custom built for practitioners within the complementary health profession


Given that all of my consultations are run online I have been personally using as my go to practitioner only supplement platform for a number of years. Mainly because my patients and I have access to a wide range of quality practitioner only supplementation without the stress of having to carry stock. Not to mention the delivery turnaround time is quick and the experience smooth.

It’s an added bonus that this platform now also supports health practitioners such as myself even further by providing quality education. I can not recommend and the people behind its creation enough. To learn more simply go to


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