Marcus Pearce | How To Live Your Exceptional Life

A former smoking, binge-drinking journalist, radio and television producer, Marcus’s media career included time at Leader newspapers, Sport 927 and SEN 1116 before concluding at Channel Nine and The AFL Footy Show in 2006. In 2005 Marcus met his now-wife Sarah, a chiropractor, who was the catalyst of Marcus’s health transformation from a Red Bull-guzzling, meat-eating smoker to a ginger-tea sipping teetotalling vegan, to somewhere back in the middle. 

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In 2008 Marcus and Sarah opened Pure Wisdom Chiropractic and Lifestyle, were married in 2009 and in 2010 and 2012 welcomed Maya and Darby to the world.  In 2013 Marcus and Damian Kristof began the podcast 100 Not Out: Mastering The Art of Ageing Well. In that same year, Marcus joined The Wellness Couch podcast network as the Executive Producer of events including The Wellness Summit. Since its inception, 100 Not Out has recorded more than 400 episodes and conversations with some of the planet’s most graceful agers, high achievers and interesting people. 100 Not Out has received almost one million downloads, whilst The Wellness Couch network surpassed 11 million listens in 2020.  


In 2014 Marcus and his family moved to northern New South Wales. With Sarah now a stay-at-home mum, the time had arrived for Marcus to create the Exceptional Life Blueprint framework. He created an online program and began sharing his insights and trainings both digitally and in-person.  Since then, Marcus’s online courses have been consumed by over 20,000 people in 155 countries and he has delivered keynote presentations and trainings to companies as big as NAB all the way down to local communities. Sectors including banking, health, wellness and real estate trust Marcus to help their teams perform to exceptional standards. In 2019 Marcus and Sarah welcomed their fourth child Spencer, and amongst the craziness of raising young children, continue to love and support each other to make the rest of their life the best of their life. 


In this episode we cover

  • How Your Exceptional Life book/ resource came to be
  • How he went about qualifying the 64 exceptionals in the book 
  • If the order with which you prioritize the eight ‘ingredients’ of the blueprint matter
  • How social life and community have a huge impact on health and livelihood
  • Introverts - how socializing differs from extroverts and how can an introvert can embrace this exceptional ingredient
  • Why spirit is laced throughout all areas
  • The conflict of opposites 
  • Marcus’s hope for this exceptional book


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Show notes



Before we dive into this conversation, I’m delighted to welcome back as the monthly sponsor for the Love & Guts podcast. Trusted by more than 5,000 health practitioners, is a digital platform, a professional health resource and a distribution service all in one.


Features include an extensive range of premium products, patient ordering service, interactions database, monographs, a product comparison tool, clinic profiles, a dedicated education hub and more.  It’s free to join, and you can find out more by visiting


Also I’m excited to share that our friends at have launched their own podcast - Common Ground! Hosted by naturopaths Jacqui Fahey and Wendy McLean. Each week the team will discuss research and interesting projects in the field of complementary medicine. Available on Amazon, Apple, Spotify, Google and more! You can also listen via the blog here


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