Microbiome Transplants: Tracing FMT’s History, Impact on IBD & Parkinson’s, and Donor Profiling

Dr Jason Hawrelak is a researcher, educator, Western herbalist, and naturopathic physician with 25 years of clinical experience. He did his PhD examining the capacity of probiotics, prebiotics and herbal medicines to modify the gastrointestinal tract microbiota and teaches worldwide on the topics of microbiota modification and gut health. He has published extensively in these areas, including 20 textbook chapters. Dr Hawrelak is on the Medical Nutrition Council of the American Society for Nutrition and is a Fellow of both the American College of Nutrition and the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia. Dr Hawrelak maintains a busy telehealth clinical practice as lead clinician in the Hawrelak Gut and Microbiome Clinic.

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Dr Hawrelak is Chief Research Officer at ProbioticAdvisor.com, which offers a searchable database that enables easy, evidence-based prescribing of probiotic products. He also established and is Lthe ead Educator at the Microbiome Restoration Center, an online educational centre devoted to training health professionals to become microbiome clinicians, through his key courses – Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Approaches to Gastrointestinal Disorders and Advanced Microbiome Manipulation. 

In this episode, we cover:

  • What the faecal microbiome is made up of
  • What faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is
  • The history of FMT. Its use dates back to the 4th century in China and the 1950s
  • Why it shows promise in inflammatory bowel disease
  • Its impact on Parkinson's' disease and Alzheimer's
  • The protocol/experience for patients and donors
  • Jason's clinical experience with FMT and diet post-FMT
  • The Healthy Gut Practitioner course (Naturopathic & Functional Medicine Approaches for GI Disorders Course). A course I am extremely excited to begin. See show notes for a special offer for the Love & Guts practitioner audience



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Show notes



  • FMT Shop in the Netherlands discussed in the podcast


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