Meet Lynda

My journey to greater health and happiness began like so many people when, in my early twenties, my pursuit for better health became confused.

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With so much information telling me what I should do, I became lost, punishing and starving my body and mind trying to reach an ‘image’ of what ‘healthy’ looked like.

What I achieved however was quite the opposite! I became painfully thin and depressed, losing my menstrual cycle, feeling robbed of my essence, and connection with myself and those around me. I felt that despite all my efforts I had ‘failed’ to achieve the ‘ideal’ body and the promised happiness and fulfilment that would come with it.

Health Programs

I believe passionately in the transformational power that clean, healthy nutrition, and Yoga combined can have.

I will work closely with YOU to empower you with practical knowledge, and realistic strategies to support YOUR journey to reach YOUR full potential. Work with me and I will guide YOU towards a greater health and happiness that is meaningful to YOU; rather than a fabricated ideal.

My health programs focus on Weight Loss Transformation and Gut Repair and Reset.
The foundation for these programs begins with addressing key aspects of YOUR nutrition and lifestyle.

My goal is to inspire and share with YOU new and exciting ways to prepare healthier food to enjoy with all your senses; together with gentle Yin Yoga practises to support YOUR journey to a greater health and wellbeing that YOU can deeply connect and be energised by.


Recipe Index

BREAKFAST Salmon Patties (Patient access only) Banana And Pecan Bread Get Your FREE Digestive Support Yin...

Recipe Index
Sautéed Brussel Sprouts & Pancetta Medley

Even the die hard brussel sprouts hater will change their mind after trying such a...

Sautéed Brussel Sprouts & Pancetta Medley
Cauliflower and Sausage Stuffed Chicken

If you thought going gluten free meant ditching the chicken stuffing you would be wrong....

Cauliflower and Sausage Stuffed Chicken
Creamy Custard Tart

Its really a cross between a yummy custard and cheesecake. So delish and actually healthy...

Creamy Custard Tart


you are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be


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