I am forever grateful for podcasts. I hungrily consume them by the truckload. They have the ability to leave a lasting impression and even change lives. I listen to them when I cook, clean, drive, walk, bathe or work. I have hand picked eight to share with you which have lead to positive change and growth in my life.
I have laughed out loud, been gobsmacked, inspired, in awe, grateful and swept away by amazing stories and beautiful people generously sharing. I highly recommend them all and would love to hear of any that have impacted your life. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Before your world gets rocked, a big shout out goes to the interviewers who have the foresight to interview such people and who themselves are loveable characters with generous spirit.
LEWIS HOWES Interviews Amy Purdy
Turn Life’s Tragedy Into Triumph
Why I love this podcast:
If this podcast does not inspire you to think and act bigger than the limited boundaries we often live in than I would be genuinely surprised. Amy Purdy has resilience and spirit that you can not help but admire. One to watch over and over again.
You can listen to this interview in audio on iTunes HERE.
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180 NUTRITION Interviews Dr Bruce Lipton
At Last, Scientific Proof of How Our Thoughts Can Make Us Healthy or Sick.
Why I love this podcast:
A powerful podcast highlighting how our environment, thoughts and beliefs dictate our health rather than our genes. In fact our genes only play a minuscule 1% role in long term health. If you catch yourself saying, “I can’t help it…(insert health condition here ), it's in my genes” then you need to listen to this. In fact I encourage everyone to listen to this life changer. 🙂
You can listen to this interview in audio on iTunes HERE.
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RICH ROLL Interviews Arianna Huffington
SLEEP REVOLUTION: a formula for enhanced productivity, performance, success and happiness.
Why I love this podcast:
Even those extremely successful in business get a subtle (or loud) reminder about the importance of sleep and well...down time. This podcast really put Arianna on the map for me. She is a likeable force to be reckoned with. She shares her experience/struggles with sleep deprivation and what she does now to make sure she gets life giving, quality shut-eye every night. A must listen to for everyone who values their health or wants to get the edge in business.
“Getting enough sleep doesn’t mean that you are giving up your goals or your desire to achieve and succeed- on the contrary, it makes you more effective...it’s a performance enhancer.” Arianna Huffington
OSHER GUNSBERG Interviews Brandon Tyler Webb Pt 1 and Pt 2
Why I love this podcast:
Brandon Tyler Webb is a former Navy Seal Sniper. He's a NYT best selling author, his latest book is called The Red Circle. His story is surreal and fascinating. Brandon is not what you would expect given his title. (Well not what I expected). I especially loved how he details the way he was able to change the mind-set of his team by altering their beliefs. A golden nugget for us all to implement into our lives and it is not the only nugget to be had. Make sure you complete the picture and listen to both 1 and 2.
Listen To Osher and Brandon Here
JOE ROGAN Interviews Russell Brand and Jim Breuer
Why I love this podcast:
Russell Brand is an English comedian, actor, radio host, author, and activist. Jim Breuer is a stand up comedian, actor, author, singer and host. In this podcast they discuss everything from addiction to spirituality and comedy. Russell alone with his fast paced chatter and intellect steals the show but the three together have such a glorious banter that produces many giggles from its audience. Do yourself a favour and listen to this. 🙂
You can listen to this interview in audio on iTunes HERE.
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MESHEL LAURIE Interviews James Phelps
The Life Cycle of Prison
Why I love this podcast:
This podcast gives insight into life behind the walls of one of Australia's most dangerous jails in Goulburn as told by author of Australia's Hardest Prison and journalist James Phelps. An inmate also shares his experience. A captivating podcast about human psyche and the crazy, broken system that does not benefit the inmate or society long term.
Find Podcast episode on iTunes HERE.
RICH ROLL Interviews Joseph Naus
Straight Pepper Diet: How a Sex Addicted Lawyer Who Lost Everything Found Salvation.
Why I love this podcast:
I completely agree with Rich Roll's statement in the following paragraph. "Joseph’s tale is one of darkness, desperation and demons. It’s horrifying and it’s cautionary. But it’s also about redemption. Forgiveness. And the journey to find wholeness. A story laudably chronicled with distressing honesty and harrowing detail in Straight Pepper Diet: A Memoir. "
“On Tuesday, I was a successful lawyer making six-figures. On Wednesday, I woke up handcuffed to a hospital bed charged with attempted murder. And then it got worse.” Joseph Naus
Hi, some great podcast here!
I highly recommend adventure fit radio, some of there podcast are fantastic. Most recent one with rusty young author of marching powder is great. Chris Hadfield and commando Steve episodes are also very interesting one.
Thanks macca
Thank you so much Macca. I will most definitely check out your recommendations. Always on the look out for new blood. 🙂
Hey Lynda,
I agree with the Joe rogan Russell brand tip! And the 180 chat with Bruce Lipton
My pics would be:
• Joe rogan – Dave Asprey (bulletproof)
• Joe rogan and Wim Hof ( recommended by Lynda!)
• Bulletproof executive: Dave Asprey – Commander Mark Devine ( sealfit)
• Bulletproof executive#120: Dave Asprey and Dr Terry Wahls (the Wahls protocol, curing MS)
• Bulletproof executive #107 : Dave Asprey and Pedram Shojai on the natural state of humanity
• Bulletproof executive # 84: Dave Asprey and Rhonda Collier on heart rate variability
• episode 71 of the drunken Taoist podcast, Danielle Bolelli and Robert Subiaga discuss the life of wild zen monk ikkyu sojun
• London Real – Brian Rose and Rick Doblin (MAPS therapeutic use of psychedelics)
• London Real – Brian Rose DMT before and after.
That’s 9!
Podcasts did change my life!
Awesome, thanks Ben. By your podcast choices, sounds like you might enjoy Ben Greenfield.
Great List!
London Real is also one of my favourites.
I’m also a big fan of my own podcast Born to Kick Arse 🙂
Ive got to give Born to Kick Arse a go. I must say I’m a fan of London Real as well. 🙂 Thanks Matthew
Tim Ferriss is another must listen to