Dukkah Crusted Fish

Everything tastes amazing with Dukkah, well that's what I think. 🙂 Nut crusts are a great way to still get that crusty, crunchy texture without the gluten and wheat.


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2 wild caught white fish (ling, dory, barramundi, snapper)

2-3 tbsp Dukkah (a blend of hazelnuts, pistachio, sesame seeds, coriander, cumin, salt, pepper)

1 tsp turmeric

2 tsp himalayan salt

1/4 head white cabbage, shredded

1/2 carrot, shredded

1/4 cup baby tomatoes

Juice of 1/2 orange

1/2 red onion, chopped finely

2-3 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 tsp ground black pepper



Preheat oven to 200 degrees

Place barramundi fillets on a baking tray lined with baking paper

Cover top of barramundi with dukkah and sprinkle with turmeric and 1 tsp himalayan salt

Bake for 15-20 minutes depending on size of fish

Using a mandoline or sharp knife, shred cabbage and place in a large bowl

Add carrot, onion, tomatoes, orange juice, apple cider vinegar, pepper, olive oil and 1 tsp salt

Mix all ingredients together in the bowl using hands until all juices are covering the vegetables

Serve citrus cabbage with Dukkah crusted fish.

serves 2


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