Snuffing Out Self Limiting Beliefs With EFT

Like many I have been plagued with copious self-limiting beliefs such as “I’m not good enough”, “I have nothing to offer”, “why would anyone listen to me” and “I am stupid”. As you can imagine these thoughts keep me small, hidden and without a voice.


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How has this manifested in my life?

  • Immobilising shyness;
  • Fear of public speaking;
  • Small business mind. Scared to take risks, think, act and be big;
  • Massive guilt for almost everything such as existing;
  • Constantly doubting myself and placing the importance and intelligence of others in front of my own.


I first came across Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) when I began my studies as a naturopath. I didn’t really give it the time of day back then, I am unsure why, maybe it was the light and fluffy name that failed to excite me. Thankfully a couple of years ago EFT made itself known to me again. This time as part of a business mastermind course and when I was ready to make some monumental changes in my life. At that time I had been working in a challenging role for several years. A role I loved dearly for the lessons learned and the big family I was now a part of. After seven years, every fibre of my being knew it was time to move on. I had lost the excitement in this role and found myself constantly craving weekends and holidays.


Even though it was time to exit stage left, I was stuck, fearful and unable to move beyond old thoughts and fears. The kind that told me I was not good enough to go back into practice, I will fail, I will lose financial security, how will I continue to pay the bills? Old thoughts and beliefs that I was determined to shift but needed help to do so. Then EFT happened. My first EFT consultation led to a new way of thinking. I guess you could say EFT opened my eyes to another reality, one that I didn’t really see possible.


Since then I have worked with coach, Alison from Happisoul, using EFT to move through fears that arise before speaking engagements or prior to challenging conversations that require me to have a voice and speak my truth. Alison is able to dive deeply into the origin of my old, damaging habits, beliefs and behaviours. Together we remove them so that they no longer hold me back from achieving and being exactly who I was designed to be. EFT simply takes my hand and walks me into the next powerful part of my life journey.


EFT helps me in the following ways;

  • I now enjoy public speaking;
  • I move through decisions and change quickly;
  • I am able to communicate effectively with others and trust in my knowledge;
  • I have more compassion and love for myself;
  • EFT helps me move through negative body image beliefs and thoughts;
  • EFT helped me leave a job I was stuck in to pursue a role as a naturopath/nutritionist;
  • It led to the creation of BetterMe tea which helps many get on top of poor digestive health. Prior to EFT, I would not thought this possible;
  • It has helped lure out my unique voice. I am no longer worried about being seen or heard;


EFT will continue to be a big part of my life. It’s a tool that requires no medication and when guided by a skilled practitioner such as Alison, the results are profound and life-changing.

If you are constantly flung back into an unrewarding and stifled comfort zone by your old beliefs, habits, or fears, I strongly recommend that you seek support from someone like Alison. EFT can help you break through and make change safely. I work with Alison online which suits my busy lifestyle and many that live in different parts of Australia. If you would like to contact Alison for an appointment and start breaking through some of your own shiz, please do here.


What is EFT exactly?

EFT is a simple highly effective and powerful tool that combines principles of acupuncture and personal coaching to promote well-being. This process gently yet rapidly releases negative emotions and limiting beliefs or memories, leaving you with relief, peace, joy and freedom.

EFT involves tapping on acupuncture points around the body whilst focusing on an issue/memory or emotional challenge that you wish to clear, allowing for peace, calm and an ability to move on. Many of the challenges in our lives, for example fear, pain or repeating negative patterns, are the result deeply distressing or disturbing experiences which are still stored in our energy system. When we release the negative emotion relating to such an experience, whether it is a car accident, dysfunctional relationship, weight gain, bullying or suffering from chronic ill health, we feel at peace with the event and more equipped to improve our lives, allowing space for the body and mind to heal.


How EFT can help you:

  • Anxiety
  • Weight Loss
  • Quit Smoking
  • Grief and Loss
  • Releasing Limiting beliefs
  • Phobias e.g. spiders, snakes
  • Traumatic memories, events
  • Depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia
  • Fears e.g. heights, dentist, public speaking
  • And many more physical, emotional and neurological issues.

Most people report feeling lighter, clearer, pain free, empowered, excited, happy and at peace after tapping.


An intro to Alison Van Vuuren

Hi, I’m Alison Van Vuuren, I was born in the UK and moved to Australia when I was 23. Having come from a career in both the management of community establishments and within the Hospital system as a case manager, my skills and knowledge in supporting people with complex and physical and emotional challenges in their life has been a continuing and evolving journey for over 27 years. My passion is to guide you back to yourself and to embrace the life you wish for, using powerful and successful tools to clear the stress that’s in the way. This may be in your career, running a business, relationships, health or simply releasing Fear and transforming this into connection and action. I am an Accredited Certified EFT Master Trainer and practitioner with AAMET (Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques), and have been delivering EFT coaching since 2007 I specialize in working with people with PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder)


If someone can be traumatized in 30 seconds, why can’t they be healed in a day, an hour, a minute?



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