The Missing Link To Ultimate Health – Take Control With The Dental Matrix

Dr. Nicholas Meyer is a holistic biological general dentist with a special emphasis on the care and treatment of the chronic pain and inflamed patient. He practices in Scottsdale, Arizona. Employing physiologic principles and a whole smattering of high tech diagnostic and treatment equipment.

He has lectured nationally and internationally on topics of Holistic Dentistry. His recently released book: The Holistic Dental Matrix; How Teeth Can Control Your Health and Well-Being; is the world’s most definitive guide to holistic dentistry. Dr. Meyer is currently working on a clinical research project. The microbial relationship of infected jawbone lesions and general ill-being.

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In this episode we cover;

  • What Holistic Dentistry and the Holistic Dental Matrix is
  • How issues with our teeth and gums affect GI health
  • What the health consequences of teeth grinding and snoring are
  • What TMD or TMJ is and why we should care
  • How problems in the TMD contribute to HPA dysregulation
  • How nutrition affects our teeth, gums and overall oral cavity
  • We go deep on mercury amalgams. Should we keep them in or remove them? Are there any safe levels of mercury in the body?
  • We get into ozone therapy, fluoride and
  • So much more


Find Dr Nicholas Meyer and his book The Holistic Dental Matrix here

Learn more about Mercury Fillings and the safe removal of them in the Mercury Free Fillings article also view the following video


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