4 Healthy Meals to Devour When On A Budget

Life often throws at us expensive curveballs, whether it’s from moving house, travel, transport, fines, health investments, weddings and so on.

When expenses are at a pinnacle level and you are haemorrhaging money in every direction I have a few healthy dishes that you may like to try. I make these regularly. They do not cost a fortune, are packed full of nutrients and some make more than one meal, saving you time and headspace.

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I get quite excited by the challenge of preparing simple, healthy, low cost meals that continue to promote and maintain amazing health and prevent chronic disease while on a budget. The key is to believe that you can, prioritise yourself and make no excuses.


My favourite, healthy, low cost meals are
Curried Lamb Casserole
Crispy Skin Roast Chicken
Gut Loving Cabbage Salad to have with quality protein such as fish, poultry, lamb, beef, canned sustainable sardines, organic tofu or leftovers
Grass Fed, Gluten Free Hearty Sausage Medley


All of these meals are $10 or less per meal. Make no mistake they are delicious and the great news is, they do not take a lot of preparation.

As you can see, there really is no need to let your health go, even when finances are at a stretch. Besides, consider how much your future medical costs would be if you decided to invest in poor quality, cheap, processed, convenience foods instead. Now that’s food for thought.

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