Sardine Mash Up

I love sardines but many struggle with it's strong flavour. Before you ditch the idea of eating sardines forever and lose the opportunity to upgrade your healthy fats, brain and bowel loving intake try this yummy Vege sardine mash up.


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1/4 capsicum - green, yellow or red, chopped roughly

1/4 onion - white, red or shallots

1/2 avocado

1/2 zucchini, chopped roughly

1/4 cupĀ kale, chopped finely

2 asparagus spears, chopped roughly

3-4 olives, chopped roughly

1 tbsp olive oil (or grass fed butter or coconut oil)

1 can of wild caught sardines, or 3 fillets of fresh wild caught sardines (Great canned brands are Fish4Eva, Good Fish, Wild Planet)

1 tsp coriander seeds (or 1/2 tsp ground coriander)

1 tsp cumin, ground

1/2 tsp turmeric

1/2 tsp himalayan salt

1 tsp cracked black pepper

Note - sometimes I add 2 chopped, organic sun dried tomatoes that have not been marinated in harmful vegetable oil. Such as from the brand Absolute Organic or Santos.



Saute chopped onion, herbs, spices and oil into a medium saucepan until aromatic and onion is soft

Add vegetables, olives and sun-dried tomatoes to pan and saute, covered, on medium heat for 5 minutes

Add sardinesĀ and cook for a further 5 minutes (or more), covered

Scoop out flesh of the avocado and place on top of vegetables and sardines

Lightly toss through and plate up


Serves 1 (you may have leftovers depending on vegetable size)



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