Drop The Intellect To Revolutionise Your Sex Life | Dr Stephen Snyder

How does narcissism make for great sex?


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Stephen Snyder, M.D. is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt Sinai, a sex and relationship therapist in full-time private practice in New York City, and one of America’s most trusted authorities on sex and relationships.

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Dr. Snyder’s articles about eros in the modern world have gained over a million views online. He's been a regular contributor to HuffingtonPost and PsychologyToday, and a frequent guest on major media outlets.


Love Worth Making is Dr. Snyder’s first book—drawing from his over thirty years’ experience helping over 1,500 individuals and couples find greater fulfilment in sex and relationships.


Having being brought up in a household where religion and sexual stigma influenced my intimate relationships for a long time I just had to get Stephen on to discuss sex in detail and flesh out my experience which many would relate to no doubt.


Stephen is an absolute legend, who is deeply passionate about his work or shall I say chosen service. This shines through in his lively conversation and his thoughtful, honest responses.


In this episode we cover

  • What motivates Stephen to practice as a sex counselor
  • Why he has written a book titled Love Worth Making - How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship
  • Why we need to get over the idea that all arousal leads to sex or orgasm
  • What gets in the way of our arousal
  • Why sex therapists are not too concerned about orgasms
  • How dumifying, getting absorbed, feeling validated and losing our sense of time makes for a great sexual experience
  • How religious beliefs or beliefs that sex is bad impacts our sex life
  • Why narcissism or shall I say appropriate selfishness is excellent during sex
  • Why women find it hard to receive
  • Why women are more hungry for sex than was previously thought
  • And much more
  • Might I add I will get Stephen back on. There is just far too much to unpack with this man


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